Brand New Photography Classes and Certificates Announced
For over 5 years I have been teaching photography in a classroom environment as well as private lessons. Virtually any aspect of photography has been touched upon in one way or another. I have found recently that there are a number of people who wish to start their career, or grow it into a business. I have always been there to help if I can. More than one occasion I have been asked on whether I would do a full curriculum on certain training for people, a certificate if you will stating that they had been trained by me. I always thought that was a unique idea and I liked it, but figured there was no need.
Now that our new gallery is open and I have my own teaching environment I find myself being asked for more and more classes in the different aspects of photography. More than just the basics of lighting and composition that I teach now along with the entry to shooting in manual mode for your DSLR camera. It made me step back and look at the possibility of offering full curriculums for different aspects.
As I approached the subject I wanted to follow our motto in the galler, “Something for Everyone.” I am a photographer that pretty much does it all, or have, so I didn’t want to single out anyone moving down a certain pathway. I also didn’t want to alienate those wishing to keep it as a hobby either. It was a long a time consuming process to look at what “might work”. In the end, I think we have come up with a very cool curriculum that truly is something for everyone. I have developed different “pathways” to learn what you would like and see where you might head. If you are not interested in a pathway and want to take a specific course, then feel free. That option is always there for everyone. But if you do want to see what could come next for you as you grow, then this should help you out, and allow me to help teach you to get there.
With that said, I’d like to officially announce the 2020 Scott Turnmeyer Photography Training Pathways.
Scott Turnmeyer’s 2020 Photography Training Pathways
In the table above, you will see the different classes that I offer. Some are brand new and are about to be released, like the “Photography as a Business” and others. Don’t worry, they are coming in the next few days. :)
In the Columns in orange you will see the different pathways. They range from Introduction to Professional level, with many in between. As you can see, there are three that mention certificate. They are in fact that. When completed you will simply need to submit your request for certificate listing the classes or workshops that you attended, their dates and I will verify and issue you a certificate stating my acceptance of your knowledge as demonstrated in that tract. A cool conversation piece for friends and family on your wall, or some even more impressive to show prospective clients to verify that you have in fact put forth effort to provide quality for them.
Is this sponsored or accredited?
No, I am speaking with a couple of universities about offering this through them, but this time it is only through me. I do see this going that route in the future though and am working towards that goal.
How do I sign up?
It’s simple, you see the courses laid out here. Simply visit my classes page and sign up for ones that are currently registering for the topic that interests you. Just as people always have.
What workshops are required for the Advanced or Professional Certificates?
There is no requirement for which workshops you join, but there is a specified number required. I need to verify that you understand how to handle yourself in the field to be able to check off for that certificate. If I have to explain and show you how to make every setting change, then you aren’t there yet and I’ll recommend joining another one.
So I hope this excites some people. Please shoot me a message if you have any questions.
Have a great day. If you enjoyed this post please do me the honor of sharing it with your friends on social media. I greatly appreciate it.
Have a wonderful day!
Scott Turnmeyer