Busy Weekend of Classes, Workshops and Photo Exhibitions

Hello everyone, thanks for following along. 

It's Monday evening and one of my busiest weekends of the year is quickly approaching. I'm so excited for my very first photography showing/exhibition this Saturday from 4-8pm at the Warren County Community Center in Front Royal, VA. 

This showing will showcase over 50 of my images throughout the years. Some of our favorites, varying on subjects. All will be for sale, and there will be some of the largest acrylics all the way down to the smaller print only variations. I'll be there to talk about the photos, how I got them, what I was thinking and sign your print if you like.  Please stop by and let me show you my work. Oh, we'll be doing some Facebook Lives and giveaways there too!!!



Saturday morning we'll be up bright and early for a sunrise photography workshop in the Shenandoah National Park. Weather is looking promising and I have a couple of spots available. 



10am brings my first class of the day, Photo 101. Spots are still available. This class is my first in series and I teach lighting and composition. It's great for anyone with any type of camera, even phones. Coming out of there you will instantly be taking better photos and seeing what you can do better. 

Mid day is my most popular class, Photo 201. This is the big one, getting off of automatic mode and learning how to use those manual settings on your camera. It's all about aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and I'll have you putting them all together in no time. You definitely need a camera with manual setting options. Spots still available. 

It's going to be a fantastic weekend, and Pam and I are looking forward to seeing everyone!. 



How I Got The Shot - Blue Moon


5 Reason Why Your Photos Suck