Try Before You Buy!

We all know that photography equipment is quite expensive, especially when you are moving into purchasing the pro grade lenses and cameras. Many people, including myself, has hesitation in spending $2000 on a piece of equipment when you aren't really sure whether its right for you, or you'll use it as much as you thought you would. What do I do? 

I Try Before I Buy!

There are two websites out there that I use whenever I want to try out a piece of equipment before I pull the trigger on purchasing. Or sometimes I need this special lens for a one time shoot, so it doesn't make sense for me to purchase it for that one time. They are rental websites that allow you to rent all of the major camera manufacturers, lenses, accessories, etc. You name it, chances are they have it. 

I am sure there are many options out there these days, but my preferred sites are: Website Website


Borrowlenses has camera video and a section where you can purchased used gear as they move them through their lifecycle. I have never purchased equipment, but have rented cameras and lenses many times. 

Their rental process is very intuitive and can all be done on their website. Pick your equipment, choose the day you want it to arrive, choose the day you want to return it, choose whether you want equipment insurance (I recommend), enter your payment and shipping details and you are done. 

The equipment comes packaged safely in a box ready to return, along with the return shipping label. So easy to use. 


Like Borrowlenses, Lensrentals has video and camera equipment. They not only sell used equipment, but they now have a Keeper option of renting some equipment and that rental price is put towards your purchase of that equipment. I haven't done this myself, but seems like a good option. Website Website

The rental process for Lensrentals closely resembles that of the site above. Very easy and intuitive. Very quick and seamless shipping and receiving. 

The equipment from Lensrentals also is packed fantastically, along with a return shipping labe. So when you are done and need to send it back, put the equipment back in the box as it was, seal it up, label it and drop it off at a location. Easy as pie. 

So give it a try. Its a service from both sites that I have used many times and not one time have had an issue. 



Photo Assignment 4/5 - Color